15 years ago, my love affair with Britain began...and I haven't been the same since. In these pages I'll be making observations and sharing tidbits of a very British nature... A way to catalog my thoughts and love for a very special place...
An Anglophile's Very British Musings
I rather like the BBC for its humor but my wife does not agree with me.
lol. that's not true. she likes british humor. and loves the brit version of what not to wear.
btw: you have to watch LITTLE BRITAIN. hee-larious fun.
i couldn't even get her into coupling!
what's little britain? when's it on?
hmm. it might be on bbc america. (which i'm so jealous you have... my cable doesn't provide it.) but you can rent it on netflix or possibly blockbuster. it's a very funny 2-man comedy troupe...very wrong...very unpc...often repulsive...but forgivably heelarious.
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